Author Topic: Di Zi Gui (弟子規)  (Read 2719 times)


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Di Zi Gui (弟子規)
« on: September 05, 2019, 10:31:32 am »
Di Zi Gui (弟子規), in English, means standards for being a good student and child. It is an ancient Chinese book handed down to us from ancient Chinese Saints and sages. The source for the outline of this book was selected from Analects of Confucius.
The book is based on the ancient teaching of the Chinese philosopher Confucius that emphasises the basic requisites for being a good person and guidelines for living in harmony with others.

You can download and share with your family & friends the bi-language (Chinese and English) Di Zi Gui e-book at the link below:
« Last Edit: September 05, 2019, 10:37:51 am by Alwayshumble »
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Re: Di Zi Gui (弟子規)
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2019, 10:32:29 am »
Introduction to “Di-Zi-Gui”
“Di-Zi-Gui” teaches us 7 moral principles
1. Be dutiful to our parents.
2. Be respectful and loving towards others.
3. Be cautious with all people, matters, and issues we engage in our daily lives.
4. Be a trustworthy person.
5. To love all equally.
6. Be close and learn from people of virtue and compassion.
7. Improve the quality of our cultural and spiritual lives.

• Virtues are standards and principles of one’s conduct, there are 5 moral conduct:
Kind-heartedness; Personal loyalty; Proper etiquette; Wisdom; and Trustworthy.

• There are 8 Core Values
Duty to parents; respect for elders; loyalty; credibility; proper etiquette (good manner), sense of personal loyalty; sense of honour (appreciative) and sense of shamefulness (regretful)
• The teaching of Confucius had greatly influenced the Chinese culture, the moral principles, virtues and disciplines should be adopted as our basic human character foundation of well-being, quality and standard of a human being, otherwise whatever we learnt and gain in life could be futile.
• To respect living things, respect and value all things around us, including materials and issues, to build a good relationship with others and cultivate good conducts, live harmoniously without fear, no violation to the society and abide the required rules, (law and orders) protect the environment and not to hurt others.
• Integrating the family members with loves, with affection to benefit humanity with sincere fraternal loves for others.
• To be a trustworthy person doing worthy things, with self-consciousness, be committed to comprehend life with continuation and being contented.
• Have compassion, understand each other’s roles and responsibilities within the family, workplace, in the organisation and the society we live in and improve the quality of interaction in human social life.
• Di-zi-Gui guide us to be a person of high ideas and high consciousness, with good ability in maintaining humility and stay humble, nobility with good aspiration and sense of direction, with good profound knowledge, be committed with good moral standards and virtue in order to be successful in life.
• A person with this good noble character can make connection with the universe easily to gain the everlasting blessing with positive energy and eternal love from the universe. The conduct, the thinking and behaviours is synchronised with the natural law and the truth of the Universe.
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Re: Di Zi Gui (弟子規)
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2019, 10:33:46 am »
Chapter 1
Be Dutiful to Our Parents

1. When Parents call, answer them right away and answer politely. When Parents ask to do something, we need to action quickly and do it willingly and do well with completeness.
2. Listen to Parents instructions with a respectful attitude.
3. When we made a mistake, Parents reproach us, we must obey and accept any given advice, accept any lecturing or scolding. Do a self-reflection, be ready to change and improve ourselves to minimise any future mistake. (be regretted for our mistakes, way to repentant)
4. Always be mindful to care for our parents: always keep our parents in a comfortable situation, greet them in the morning to let them feel our care and concern for them. Care for their safety when we go out with them, get for them the necessary and essential things they really need. Also, be mindful of buying them the healthy food that are suitable for their consumption. At night do make sure they rest well. (Have love and gratitude for our parents)
5. Parents are always concerned and worry about their children, before going out and come home, it is our virtue manner and habits to inform them, do not let them worry unnecessary. When at home, do maintain a proper place to stay, to rest and lead a routine life to do our works, persist in whatever we do and will not anyhow change our aspirations at will. (worries can drain off positive energy, create negative energy, minimise any negative energy development)
6. Parents would not want to see children doing irrational or illegal things, a matter or an act might be trivial, but if it is wrong to do it or could cause unfair or harm to ourselves or to others, we must not do even it bear little or no consequence. Even though an act or issue might be small, we must not keep it a secret from our parents so as not to hurt our parents’ feelings. (do not induce any negative energy for our parents or others)
7. We should try our best to fulfil our parent’s wishes, if whatever pleases them is fair and reasonable within our ability. If we do something that might displeases them, we need to think it over and if it is within reasonable situation, logical, we ought to be cautious and not to repeat such mistake of acts. (be filial to our parent with wisdom and do it intelligently)
8. When we are sick or our body is hurt, our parents will be worried. Similarly, if our virtues are compromised, they will feel ashamed and dishearten. We need to maintain a morally attitude and do things that are of virtue values. (standard of being a dutiful and successful person)
9. When we love our parents, it is not difficult to be dutiful to them even to parents who careless of us, this should be the standards for being a dutiful child. (equality of love without prerequisite or prejudice)
10. When our parents do wrong, we must try to make them understand, genteelly and carefully urge them to change, do it with a loving kindness expression and with warm gentle voice, explaining with a suitable convincing manner. If they do not accept any advice, be patience, give them the blessing, wait until they are in a happier mood before attempt to dissuade them again. If they end up not accepting, we must not hold any grudges against them or feel any disappointment. (Apply Love and Gratitude practices in blessing them).
11. When parents are sick or ill, we must take good care of them, accompany them, let them feel the love and warm. (Be responsible, do our best to keep our parents in good health, there are parents who drain off their health due to hard works in earning a living to feed us and family, to take care of our needs, we need to be very grateful to our parents).
12. For those parents who had passed away, (we do not have any opportunity to pay back their kindness and love) do remember them with gratitude and feel their kindness in raising us and previously fulfilling us with all our needs to growth. We must continue to live a virtue life, do some meritorious deeds to repay them and commemorate parents’ anniversaries with utmost sincerity

(Apply the above practices to other people in our life that had ever benefited us before, like our spouse, senior or junior then us, build up strong cohesiveness, integrate loving and togetherness, harmonious and enabling a happier family).
1. We must realise the logical human aspects and be grateful to our parent for nurturing us since the day we came to this world, brought us up and given us the opportunity of education, give us the needs in life, kept us warn with loves and companion. Parental love is infinite love. Hence, when parent get old, it is our turn to repay them the kindness by taking care of them, it is the human being virtuous cycle and the truth of the Universe.
2. If we do not have an opportunity to be dutiful to our parents, or partially complied, or has not been taking care of our parent accordingly, we can make use of “repentance practices’ to make up our lacking in any or all these areas. With our affordable means create the meritorious deeds and transform the merits to our parents.
a. Distributes SLSC related free distribution books like Fountain of Healing, or the thousand years of convergence.
b. If financially affordable we could also sponsor the printing of free distribution books or any other SLSC books.
3. When practicing the ‘Love & Gratitude’ be grateful for whatever our parents had benefitted us in this life, we can recall and list down all the good things and love parents had given to us since childhood day.
4. If we remember anything, we had done which had caused hurt or harmful to our parents before, like not respecting our parents, argue with our parents with disagreements, disappointed them, caused them felt hurt before ... etc, we can make use of repentant practices to remove the unhealthy negative events that stored in our soul memory.
5. Treat our spouse and family member as if we are treating our parents and loving our parents, this could influence or children and family members with virtue attitude.
6. Similarly, we can apply these to our bosses, seniors, and co-workers to certain extend creating harmonisation with care and love.
7. After learning this chapter, I wish I could also apply those mentioned virtues in treating my negative energy (entities), my negative energy entities should have some form of connection with me, could be my previous relatives, or past beneficiary.
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Re: Di Zi Gui (弟子規)
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2019, 10:34:16 am »
Chapter 2
Care and Concerns, Respect for Others

1. Respect others. As an older sibling, we must be friendly, care and love for our younger ones. Similarly, as a younger sibling, we must respect and love our older ones. Only when we can maintain harmonious relationships with our siblings, we can then consider being dutiful to our parents. (similarly, we can apply this to our love one, to relative, our colleague, friends).
2. Always treasure and value our family ties more than then anything else in our possession, no resentment will come between us. Always be careful with words, without hurtful comments, never get angry with any family members.
3. Remember to be respectfully serve the elderly (with drinks, food, or offer a seat) before entertaining others. (The western concept of lady first may not applicable in Di-Zi-Que). When elderly request for someone, get that person for him right away. If unable to find that person, immediately report back and offer our help instead. (React responsively)
4. Well manner with politeness. Respect the Elderly, when addressing him, we should not call him by his given name and never show off in front of an elderly. Be polite in addressing others.
5. On the street, when we meet an elderly we know, promptly pay our respect with a warm greeting. If he does not acknowledge, do step back and respectfully stand aside. (Apply ‘Love and gratitude in blessing him).
6. Always pay respect to the elderly, when taking public transport, allow the elderly to alight or move up first, give him enough space to walk, assist as required, offer your seat immediately.
7. In the family, if any elderly is standing, we will not sit before the elderly take his seat. During conversation, be mindful to speak appropriately, gently and softly when communicating with elderly. When answering a question, look at the elderly who is asking the question and answer back politely.
8. Treating others: Serve your uncles or other elderly as if we are serving our parent. Treat them as if they are our own siblings. (treat elderly as parent or relatives, treat men as brothers, ladies as sisters, other’s children like our children or our relatives’ children).
9. Attitudes and perspective: In our workplace, organisation or society, we should also have the habits to treat our friends and colleagues / members as if they are our brothers and sisters. Have love, care and concerns for each other. Whenever possible we should also serve the elderly with respect, as if we are serving our relative. Do adopt the similar practices and maintain the similar virtue of kindness, accommodate everyone with the correct attitudes and similar perspective like a family.
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Re: Di Zi Gui (弟子規)
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2019, 10:35:18 am »
Chapter 3
Be Cautious in our Daily Life

1. Align our action, speech and thinking: A person’s speech, action and thinking represent his personal values in life, when we speak politely with good manners and do things in an orderly and morally way, other will felt pleasant communicating with us and we gain the respect and trust of others.
2. Appearance: Keep our appearance need and clean, dress in proper manner at least smart casual, when attending certain occasion or functions, including coming for a study group, be mindful to dress accordingly to the required dress code, do not be too casual with loosely dress. (cultivating a good habit with our appearance)
3. It is more important that our clothes are clean, rather than how extravagant they are. We will wear only what is simple and proper, suitable and requirement for the difference occasion. At home, we will also need to wear clothes appropriately, inducing our children into the correct perspective.
4. When it comes to eating and drinking, let us not pick and choose the food. Cultivate a habit to share proportionally, eat only the right amount and not to over-eat. Avoid alcohol drinking if possible or take only a limited amount (for certain celebration), best to avoid it, so as not to encourage or influence our children with alcohol drinking. (alcohol drinking does not benefit our health)
5. Always maintain in a good posture, while walking, standing or communicating with others, when greeting others, pay respect with gentle bows, do not step on doorsills or stand leaning on one leg. Do not sit with legs apart or sprawled out. Do not rock the lower part your body while standing or sitting down.
6. Avoid the habits of doing things in a hurry, be mindful of doing things in haste will lead to many mistakes. Do not be afraid of difficult tasks, but also not to become careless when a job is too easy. Keep away from rowdy places, observe for any abnormal or unusual things, be prepare and avoid any unsafe situation.
7. Request and acknowledge: When about to enter a main entrance of the house or office belongs to others, do knock the door and first ask if someone is inside, so that those inside know someone is approaching. Do answer politely and appropriately when someone is asking.
8. Seeking permission. Do not take anything without asking permission or borrowing things from others. When borrowing things from others, do remember to return them promptly.
9. In any situation we must always maintain a good morally behaviours, in speech, action and reactions. Always stay healthy and maintain in hygiene condition.
10. Handling people: Avoid any challenging, arguing or quarrelling with other, even though the other person is very unreasonable, we should only approach him again to explain the case and clarify the issue when he or she is in a stable condition, otherwise wait till there is a good opportunity to do so. If he does not accept my explanation or take advise, do not keep the issue in heart. (Apply ‘love and gratitude’ practices in blessing him).
11. While we are learning to be a morally person in perfecting our virtues, we also must learn to have a good judgement of people. Simply because in this society, all the human beings are of
difference character and behaviours, not all people are kind-hearted person with compassion. Be cautious of those who are not sincere, no honest to avoid being cheating. People with greed and crude or evil minded will take advantage of our weakness and kindness.
12. When our moral and virtue foundation is not strong, we could also be bad influence by many others encounters in life, when our will power is not strong, we could be induced and be attracted into negativities due to our human nature of greediness. Especially advertisement of those with discounted prices, free gifts, good profit transaction. There are also situations that, we could attract to be involved with other’s problems and issues that could bring us unnecessary troubles in life. Hence, we ought to be cautious in our daily life, with the ability to differential what is right and wrong, with correct approach doing the right things and act intelligently without hurting other people, things or issues.
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Re: Di Zi Gui (弟子規)
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2019, 10:35:46 am »
Chapter 4:
Be Trustworthy

1. Our speech, action and our thinking should be delivered in an honesty manner with kindness, it is important not to hurt other or arouse other into confusion. Do not speak with deceitful words or lies to other, do not speak with foul language, speak only the truth. Do not be talkative, speak only what is necessary to avoid any unhappiness.
2. Unless we had saw the happening event, we will not tell others the story we had heard. We need to clarify the truth of what we know for sure, do not pass comment or remarks that is not in good favour to others.
3. Differential what is right and wrong, when asked to do something that is inappropriate or could lead to hurting other, or against the regulation and rules, reject it appropriately, take a good opportunity to explain and guide other into correct doing.
4. Learn to have an art of speaking, utter words clearly and say it to the point, don’t go around the bush. Talk gently not too fast or mumble. Talk about the good points of others avoid talking the faults of others. Do not involved in unfriendly and non-virtue communication.
5. When we see others doing good deeds, we must think about following the example. Even though our own achievements are still far behind others, we should believe we are getting closer. When others do something wrongly, we must immediately reflect upon ourselves ensure we do not make the similar mistakes. If we have made the similar mistake before, correct it immediately and learn from our mistake, take extra caution not to repeat the similar mistake. (Make use of the repentance practices to remove our past mistakes, do not let this negative energy accumulated in our soul memory).
6. We must sensitive to realise our morals behaviours, our conduct, our knowledge and skills, if its not as good as others, we must encourage ourselves to learn and practice to be better in enhancing our morality behaviours.
7. Learn to accept criticism and not to be angry, learn to be appreciative of criticism from others, review our physical action, speech and our ideas presented to others, make necessary correction and we will be respected by other and virtuous people will gradually come close to us.
8. Sometime mistake made is inadvertent, it is merely a mistake. If it is done on purpose, it is considered an evil act. If we can correct our mistake and do not repeat it again, we no longer own that mistake. It is wise not to cover up, because it will finally re-appear again with more troubles.
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Re: Di Zi Gui (弟子規)
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2019, 10:36:21 am »
Chapter 5
Love All Equally

1. Human beings, regardless of nationality, race or religion, everyone should be loved equally. We are all sheltered by the same sky and we all live on the same planet Earth.
2. A person of high ideals and morals is highly respected. We don’t judge a person’s value based on outside appearance; his outstanding abilities will naturally endow him with a good reputation. Similarly, admiration from others does not come from our boasting or praising oneself.
3. Make use of our capabilities for the benefit of others, give a helpful hand to others who needs our helps. (Transmit love and gratitude to others)
4. We learnt from others competency and abilities, be appreciative and feel grateful of his achievement, do not be jealous and make slandered of his ability and competency.
5. Do not flatter the rich, or despise the poor, do not ignore old friends when we have opportunity to make more new friends. Be appreciated and be grateful to all friends, whether old friend or newly equitant.
6. Care and concern for others. When a person is busy, we should not bother him with matters. When a person’s mind is not at ease, we will not bother him with words.
7. Do not expose other people’s shortcoming, praised and approved of others ability and capabilities with encouragement. Do not spreading rumours about the wrongdoings of others, when the harm done has reached the extreme, misfortunes will surely follow. Encourage others to do good and virtues, take an appropriate opportunity to highlight his faults.
8. Know the difference between ‘give and take’, It is better to give more and take less. When we asked others to do, we must first ask ourselves if we would be willing to do so. We must first be able to do it before asking others to do. Remember to repay the kindness of others and let go personal resentments and not holding any grudges with others.
9. When directing subordinate do it honourably with proper respect. Treat them kindly and generously. Do not use our position to influence and make them submissive, demonstrate our virtue, win them with our kindness, care and concerns. Give them the love and concerns.
(Apply love and gratitude in every moment to improve the environment with positive energy)
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Re: Di Zi Gui (弟子規)
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2019, 10:36:47 am »
Chapter 6
Be close to and learn from people of virtue and compassion

1. We are all human, but we are not the same. Most of us are ordinary people, only a very few have great virtues and high moral principles. A truly virtuous person is greatly respected by others. He will not be afraid to speak the truth and he will not fawn on others.
2. If we can be close to and learn from people of great virtue and compassion, we will benefit immensely. Our virtues will grow daily, and our wrongdoings will lessen day by day.
3. If we choose not to be close to and learn from people of great virtue, we will suffer a great loss. We will not gain the appropriate knowledge in handling the daily life issues correctly.
4. Unintentionally we can be easily attracted with those people without virtue, and whatever our attempt in handling the daily live issues and encounters will not be successfully resolved and may bring us with many areas of problems preventing the path to success in life.
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Re: Di Zi Gui (弟子規)
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2019, 10:37:21 am »
Chapter 7

Improve ourselves through reading and further study to cultivate a morally virtuous person with improvement in our spiritual life
1. If we do not actively practice what we have learned from the true and valuable concepts of human philosophy that can benefit us in our daily life and growth our virtue and wisdom, whatever we learn or study is merely acquiring some superficial knowledge, even though we thought we had gained the knowledge. We will not be able to make use of what we had learnt, hence if we can apply the knowledge diligently in any related field of interest, transform the knowledge we gained into a useful tool, we will have the enthusiasm to further our learning process. Otherwise, we will only do things based on our own opinion, thinking it is correct. In fact, resulted in what we know may not be the truth due to no proper application of the useful guidelines.
2. There are correct methods and efficient means of learning, which involve the concentration in three mean areas:
a. The attitude of learning (the mind), be mindful, be open-minded, analyse each paragraph sentence to understand the value in it, convince ourselves to believe what we read is equally important and beneficial to us.
b. Vision (the eyes), be focus, concentrate on completing one chapter at a time and finish it before moving to other books. devote enough time and effort to thoroughly understand each chapter of learning, make notes for reference of important points.
c. Questioning (the mouth), ask a question to get the correct logical answers, note down that area you have doubt and seek advice from those who know, ask for clarification or explanation.
3. Read only those books of great value which contain the moral standards and virtue. For those books that are not of the teachings of the saints and sages, it should be discarded and not even looked at. Such books can mislead us or block our intelligence and wisdom and will undermine our aspirations and sense of direction.
4. Keep our study room or area of study neat and clean, tidy the desk, to create a conducive environment with a clear state of mind. Write notes and words clearly with respect is a well state of mind. Arrange books properly on the bookshelves and treasure them. After finishing reading a book, put it back where it belongs. Even if in a hurry, we still need to cultivate a good habit.
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