Author Topic: In your opinion, what is a good Fortune Teller  (Read 849 times)


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In your opinion, what is a good Fortune Teller
« on: June 17, 2024, 04:22:57 pm »
A fortune teller says that I am Male Chauvinistic, so needs to change behaviour and needs to work on communication with family. Is this consider good FT (Fortune Teller)?


A FT says that I am Male Chauvinistic and have bad communication with family, so I should get this amulet from him/her.

Topic of discussion is to trigger one's thoughts on what is a definition of a good FT so that whoever sees this post can be inspired to anaylse before making any decision.

Pls share share.


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in the first place, is the male chauvinistic correct? :D
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No further response arh. It's ok then, I sing to myself.  ;D

My feel is that a FT who is able to "heal us mentally" is already much helpful. By mentally, I would say it is to enable us to be resilient, to change our behaviour, habits, for the better.

My own opinion and years of experience patronising FT is that a FT who tells you to pay for this or that might not help much. After all, if we don't change our mindset, our way of doing things, our behaviour, we will always encounter the same challenges in life.


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Hi Bright light, it is nice to see a familiar nick. I am sure if you remember me, but I am the DarkMind from the old amulet forum. Over the years, my perspective on things may have changed.

Maybe I will share an encounter next time if I have the mood to type. 🙏
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This is what we call, karmic connection built in the "past". haha. very delighted to see you again. Over the years, the approach of doing things would also have changed.
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People wants zhun in fortune fetching. but dont want to hear bad stuffs.

or to anticipate so can transcend their destinies.