Author Topic: 🇹🇷 TURKEY NEEDS HELP 💝  (Read 1684 times)


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« on: February 09, 2023, 09:12:04 pm »
Dear All,

By now many of you would have heard about the major (7.8 Richter scale) earthquake that struck south-eastern Turkey in the early hours of Monday morning. The earthquake, which hit near the town of Gaziantep, was closely followed by numerous aftershocks - including one quake which was almost as large as the first. As of today, more than 6,000 people have been killed & thousands injured by a huge earthquake.

From Singapore, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) is sending an advance team of 20 SCDF personnel comprising officers from the elite Disaster Assistance And Rescue Team (DART), paramedic specialists & a doctor to Turkey to assist with rescue efforts. This is in response to a request for humanitarian assistance following the deadly earthquake.

For Singaporeans who would like to do more to help out, the Turkish Embassy in Singapore is requesting for the following items :

> Winterwear (especially for children)
> Blanket & sleeping bags
> Women’s hygiene materials
> Children food & diapers
> Canned food (halal)
> Off-the-shelf painkillers

Note :
- Items have to be new or unused for hygiene purposes.
- Preferably packed in a transparent bag.

You can bring your donations to :

Turkish Embassy
2 Shenton Way, SGX Centre 1
Singapore 068804

The Turkish Embassy will deliver the items to the victims of the Hatay earthquake.

The opening hours of the embassy are :
9:30am - 4:30pm
(Monday - Friday)

You can also help by sharing this post.

We All Do What We Can Within Our Means. 🫶🏼👦🏻


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« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2023, 09:25:56 pm »
1. Marissa $20
2. Derek Wang & Family $50
3. Mook Chung Hon $50
4. Robin Mok $10
5. 黄玉凤的冤亲债主 $20
6. John Lim $10
7. Lim Chee Keong $30
8. Chng Chee Seng $20
9. Serena Chua $20
10 Tony Ang & Family $20
11 Eddie Seet $20
12 Lee WeiSheng $50
13 Lu Nan & Family $30
14 Erwin Huang & Family $50
15 Ho & Family $50
16 Charlie Chua $30
17 黄金隆合家 $18
18 Florence Lim & Family $20
19 林春财(普學)合家 $30
20 Ling Tuck Chin $40
21 Luke Teo $30
22 kor family $10
23 Iwan Geraldo $10
24 Russia Goh Jin Long $50
25 Toh family $38

26 Rowena Su $50
27 Florence Goh $50
28 Pei yue $50

29 Chong Li Yong Glenna $30
30 Chiang Tu Chen $50
31 Wee Eng Jing - $10
32 Joo Shun Yi - $10

33 Lee  Poh  Lian $30
34 Khaw  Saw  In $100
35 Han  Tsiew  Moi $100
36 Han  Tew  Jee $100
37 Lim  Pue  Pue $175
38 Stanley  Siew $100
39 Alan  Eng $100
40 Joanna Quek $275
41 Suhui $50

42 Nicole Lee Li Meng $50
43 Melvin Ng $12
44 Then Tze Boon $10
45 Lee en yi $20
46 Lee ze rui $20

47 Bernicia Tay $10

48 Zhihao $20
49 Karmic debtors of SY and family $10
50 Karmic debtors of PS and family $10
51 Susan Tan $100
« Last Edit: February 18, 2023, 04:02:42 pm by Valen »


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« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2023, 10:54:14 pm »
Total amount collected at the moment $2268

Donation Closed 19/02/2023
« Last Edit: February 19, 2023, 08:59:05 pm by Valen »


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« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2023, 09:10:23 pm »