Author Topic: LP Boonsong Kathina 2023  (Read 2118 times)


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LP Boonsong Kathina 2023
« on: June 24, 2023, 02:34:21 am »
Hi All

I would like to initiate a fund raising for LP Boonsong Kathina Ceremony.

Any amount is welcome.

Those who donate S$100 will received a blessed souvenir.

Closing date :13 October 23

You may PayLah/Paynow me at @9855 4786 or transfer to my Posb savings Acct 153215421
& WhatsApp to me your full name & receipt @9855 4786

Anumodana to All🙏🙏🙏
« Last Edit: July 11, 2023, 07:57:46 am by Valen »


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Re: LP Boonsong Kathina 2023
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2023, 02:36:48 am »




在泰國,有很多大德也提及到供卡提那衣的功德,於此,我亦盡自己所能,為大家翻譯了兩篇,希望可以幫到大家更了解於袈裟節所作之功德與果報,亦可以使大家明白 文師父 在生時為甚麼他每年都慈悲地要帶著大家來參與袈裟節,也可為大家解開為何在袈裟節時總是人頭湧湧的疑惑。

於泰國中,有一位備受公認修行很好的大師父,他叫 龍布啦 ,有一本書是關於他對佛法之回答,叫《龍布啦佛法問答》(泰文書名:หลวงปู่หล้า เขมปตฺโต ตอบปัญหาธรรมะ),於書中第68頁,他提起關於供卡提那衣所作的功德 -〝…在供卡提那衣中所之種福,其功德有八十劫,一劫中有時有三尊佛,有時有四尊佛出世;而我們這劫就有五尊佛出於世,包括前三尊佛以及我們現在的釋迦佛和未來要到的彌勒佛,但未來佛的出世會在未來人界的幾百萬年後,如此才稱為一劫。(意思即是:由前第三尊佛(音:Ku San To佛;泰:กุส้น โธ)開始計起,到彌勒佛為第五尊佛,此為一劫;而在袈裟節中種福,其功德是有八十劫之久遠、殊勝。)

另一篇也是來自泰國一位很有德行的大師,書名叫《龍坡班所能陀傳》,這本是其中一位很出色的聖弟子所寫,龍坡班是他的師父,泰文書名《ประวัติ หลวงพ่อปาน โสนนฺโท》於書中第248頁提到:
“龍坡班 供卡提那衣”-說到龍坡班常會奉行的一件事,他很喜歡於每年都供卡提那衣的,關於供卡提那衣的事他每年也會做,而且每年也會供卡提那衣給很多不同寺院...。

〝於袈裟節奉獻卡提那衣的功德,其果報會顯現於今生與後世, 今生與後世的意思是今生與之後的每一世,供迦絺那衣的人可以留意觀察自己,如果供養超過二至三次(意思即為作為供卡提那衣功德主連續供養過好幾間寺院),於生活事業上會比較順利,就算是不富有也好,但其生活上亦會較順意,會覺得比以前幸運,賺取財富也較容易,他說這還祇是善業給予果報的沾邊而已。

在袈裟節奉獻卡提那衣的功德,可以使發願成佛的人也能夠圓滿其願。就像我們現在這尊佛,在過去世的某一生中,是一位很貧窮的人(後供養針線於卡提那衣日中),那時(讀音) Phra Ba Tu Mud Dtra佛便預言說,這個人於未來會覺悟成佛,佛名為沙門瞿曇,這就是他發願成佛而有在袈裟節中所作的功德為資糧。


而女性,如果是功德主或幫忙處理袈裟節中的工作,就可得到極貴重的裝飾物,擁有像(音) Visākha 大護法女居士般的裝飾物打扮自己,價錢值一億六千萬元,很漂亮,這是其一。

其二,已於袈裟節奉獻過卡提那衣的人,人壽盡後,會投生成天人五百世,意思是投生做天人擁有天人壽命一千歲後,完了一千歲的天人壽命後繼續投生做天人,如此五百次即五百世,其實這很佔便宜。如果像子孫們(這是泰國的習俗,年紀較大的 出家人有時會稱自己信徒為子孫,而信徒則會稱年紀較大的出家人為“龍坡”,即尊敬的爸爸等)可以成為那樣,全部也可以去涅槃,很好,得到五百世做天人之利益。



*另外大師父Luang Por RueSiLinDam也說過供卡提那慶典功德非常大,任何人供後想發願成佛,辟支佛,上首弟子或阿羅漢等都會成願。




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Re: LP Boonsong Kathina 2023
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2023, 02:38:18 am »
July 23
1.Chai Soon Renovation $300
2.Lee Kai Ting $100
3.Naga Building Services $100

Aug 23

4.Tan Thee & Family $10
5. Kor Jun Yun & Family $10
6.Erwin Huang 黄治渊 & family $100
7.Lee Kai Ting $100

donation closed
« Last Edit: October 17, 2023, 09:44:06 am by Kimleng777 »


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Re: LP Boonsong Kathina 2023
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2023, 02:24:32 pm »

The Buddha said that one gains great benefit by offering Kathina cloth. This is because it is giving up of a sense of self, and it’s a harmonious and unifying act. You can all hold onto that this life you have been a sponsor of a Kathina. Everyone here. Whoever has strong faith and more financial means can support more. And those with strong faith, but with less financial means support according to your capacity. And this is all for the purpose of great Buddhist monument – a chedi that will enshrine the Buddha’s relics.

Luang Por Anan
Kathina: Giving, Brightness of Mind, then Liberation

Question & Answer by Than Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro on 7 November 2021

Total there is 16 questions being asked and answer during the session. We will release one at a time.

Translated, not interprets.

Question 4) What merit or benefits will the host of Kathina get?

Than Luang Pu: The host of Kathina will receive the great merit because it can only be done once a year, for changing kathina robe for the Sangha only happens once a year. Because the Sangha can wear new robes, this act will result in Dana-Barami (prestige) of becoming a wealthy man in the future, no starvation and hardship.


佛陀说,供养卡提那布获得极大的利益。 这是因为它是一种自我意识的放下,是一种和谐统一的行为。 你们都可以坚持这一生,你们一直是卡提那 的赞助者。 每个人都在这里。 谁有坚定的信念和更多的财力,谁就可以支持更多。 而那些有坚定信念但经济能力较差的人则根据您的能力支持。 而这一切都是为了建造伟大的佛教纪念碑——供奉佛陀舍利的舍利塔。

Kathina: Giving, Brightness of Mind, then Liberation




长老: 迦提那功德主会得到很大的功德因为一年只能办一次,僧人换上迦提那衣只会只有一年一次而已。僧团可以换上新的袈裟,这举动会因布施波罗蜜而未来成为一位富有的人,没饥饿和困苦。


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Re: LP Boonsong Kathina 2023
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2023, 08:14:58 pm »
Anger is a disease

Anger is like a fatal disease. If we do not know how to destroy it, it will destroy us. When a husband quarrels with his spouse, it is because both parties are overwhelmed by anger. Sometimes, they will smash objects, break the pots and pans and so forth, only to spend money to purchase new items after their anger has dissolved. And this anger, is the main culprit behind all of these. Do you see how evil it is? If we do not know how to reduce our anger, then it will continuously harm us. Everytime our anger disappears, we will be upset over everything that we destroyed, and be disappointed with whatever that's left over. That's all because we lost to anger...

Luang pu Boonsong

“......嗔恨就是一種惡疾, 如果我們不知道如何摧毀它,它便會摧毀我們;例如夫妻吵起架來是因為被嗔心覆蓋, 有時會破壞東西 ,打碎飯鍋,打爛水煲, 等怒氣消散後,又要花錢買新的東西。 而這個憤怒,這個嗔心就是主謀, 見到它的惡毒了嗎? 如果不懂得減輕它,它便會不斷緊隨著傷害我們,每當我們的憤怒消失後,我們會坐著傷心已被破壞到所剩無己的一切。這全因為输給了憤怒...... ”


CR: Ted


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Re: LP Boonsong Kathina 2023
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2023, 11:49:55 pm »
09-06-23 Segment of Lp Boonsong in HK dhamma talk

The rules about the dhamma are the five precepts.  This precept is the refraining part and the dhamma is the practical practice.  Precepts belong to the refraining part.

For example, the precept on killing life, for example, we should not kill life. This is forbidden, and it will bring bad karma and painful consequences.  That's why in this life, we see that everyone's appearance is different.

Some people are born beautiful, some people are born ugly, some people are rich and some people are poor in terms of wealth. There are various differences.  All kinds of differences come from karma, and the karma created by each person in the past is different, so there will be different results. 

Some people have done a lot of good karma and a lot of blessings in the past, so it is easy to have great wealth in this life.  So everything has its cause and effect, cause and condition.  Karma makes all beings different.


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Re: LP Boonsong Kathina 2023
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2023, 11:56:46 pm »
Segment of Hong Kong Dhamma talk on 09.06.23

When we recite this request for dhamma verse before the dhamma talk, not only we humans can hear it, but also non-human beings can hear it and participate in it.

 As a human being, we need a way to anchor our hearts.  Don't let this mind follow your afflictions and do things as you want.
 At the beginning, they also paid homage to the Buddha, the World Honored One, the Arahant  and the Supreme Enlightenment.
 Human beings, many sentient beings suffer.  And the Buddha taught the Buddha's Dharma so that we can get rid of suffering.

All living beings, whether they are human beings or animals, suffer from the existence of suffering.  It can even be said that humans are sometimes more painful and uncomfortable than animals.  ,

 We have to develop faith in the Buddha.  That is, the Buddha penetrated the dharmas after he became enlightened and taught it so that all living beings can also solve this suffering.