Author Topic: Crowdfunding efforts to save Baby Shamel.  (Read 1415 times)


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Re: Crowdfunding efforts to save Baby Shamel.
« on: March 06, 2023, 01:16:27 am »
This is solely a sole intention of goodwill from myself (syzthesis) to any members who have donated more than $100 to help baby Shamel. Please contact me separately by directly dm myself within the forum, I will arrange for one amulet to be given to you, one time basis per donor. Rules of engagement applies herein;
1. Do not ask for a certain model of amulet, it is at my own discretion what amulet to give to you as a goodwill basis.

2. Do not ask me what details of the amulet, or to provide authenticity of the amulet.

3. Please respect the intention of the amulet giving, as it is to thank you for being selfless, it is not a value-for-value trade.

Thank you - Syzthesis.
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