Author Topic: Khun Paen Kathas  (Read 1773 times)


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Khun Paen Kathas
« on: October 05, 2018, 09:20:47 am »

1)Kata Khunpaen(Simple Short Prayers for protection and charm)

Sunamoro morosuna namapata
2)Kata huajai Khunpaen ruk tae (The heart of Khunpaen, use it only for your true-love lover.)

aom-manoBuddhaya Bhudhang sarati Dhammang sarati Sangkang sarati
sarati-jittatang samaray mama a-thi a-hichiya a-hisappaychana pahuchana a-hi

(Pray these prayers on your breath mint candy, and suck that candy while talking to your true-love lover. She will be madly in love with you no matter what.)
3)Kata huajai Khunpaen matjai ( A prayer to win your lover's heart.)

Buddhang rattanang Dhammang rattanang Sangkang rattanang
na-poak no-must Bhud-rath Dha-rueng ya-Krueng-ka-ray aom-savaha

(Pray these prayers before bedtime, your lover will be madly thinking about you all day long.)
4)Kata huajai Khunpaen jai-orn

Panja mungsirasangcha-dhang na-a-ta-jai na-karo hoti
ampavotri-nikattavana na karang Panjasampawang
(Pray these prayers before meeting/talking/dealing with any persons, they will believe in and do whatever you say to them.)
5)Kata huajai Khunpaen pook jai kon

Aom NammoBuddhaya na na ar u a-hichaiya a-hisuppaychana pahuu-chana a-hi
(pray on your cosmetic/perfume/fragrance/Cologne/aftershave before wearing it. It would make people love you no matter what.)
6)Kata huajai mahasanae(prayers for good fortune and charms)

Chanto a-pa-kantaro-piti piyo Dhevamanujsa-nang it-tapiyopuri soma a-au-au-ma-a i-sawasu ika-viti
(Pray this prayers 3 times before meeting anybody, it will make people you meet love you)
7)Kata huajai khunpaen pongkantua(Prayers for protection)

Panjamang sirasangchatang nakaro ho-ti sampavopintu thanta payta aungku siri nammoBuddhaya

(Pray this prayer and blow air in your palms, then clasp your hands together in front of you. These prayers will protect you from harms from any human and animals)
8)Kata Khunpaen pongkanphe(To pray in order to drive off evil spirits/ghosts)

NammoBuddhaya mapa tana pah ka sa jasappaytawa peesajaywa a-rawakatayopiya kattakang talapattang titsawa sappayyakkha palayanti sakkassa vachirawu-dhang vejsuwannasa katawu-dhang a-rawakassa tusawudhang yamanassa nayawawu-dhang i-maythisawa sappayyakkha palayanti
9)Kata Khunpaen Nangneaw(To pray for vulnerabilities to any weapons)

Sukittima supajaro susrilawa supakato arsasima wajaytaro gaysa rowa a-sumphito
(To pray before engaging in a battle/fight, you will be invulnerable to any weapons. And pray it while applying muscle cream and/or sore muscle ointments after the battle/fight.)
10)Kata Khunpaen komsattru
(To weaken your enemies, pray when you engage in battle. In case you are the prosecution or the defence, it's good to pray before going to criminal or civil jury trials, law and motion hearings, or oral arguments at the appellate level.)

Tato Bhothisatto rachasingho wamahittathigo
arahang tamadhangpaka seang-to-rachasingho
Sattha a-ha nammoBuddhaya namamisukka tichinang

(Pray 3 times, then stamp your right foot down hard and loud 3 times on the floor before leaving home.)
11)Kata Khunpaen sekkhepung(To pray before wearing lipstick/lip gloss. It will make listeners love and believe in you)

Matujittang suwamupakang titasawanamamang piyang mama metta
Chewhayama turangtatawajajung thud-dhang sutthawa
sappaychanapa huchana ittheechana sammanuna Brammana nunapasangsanthi
12)Kata Khunpaen matnak
(To pray before fighting/boxing. When you punch, that fist transforms into a brick as you deliver it to your opponent.)

Sopakawa a-thisamani u-thay-yang katchan
tabpangsang-larang paramang sukkang
nalab-pati-mahasoonno jasampato
sangsaray a-nangkatchanti
13)Kata huajai Khunpaen sarikalinthong
(To pray before a speech, to make people fall in love with you and/or believe in whatever you say.)

Buddha a-nayna maliya susangka-yaymi
Buddha i-ri-ma-li-ya susangka-yaymi
Buddha i-ra-pa-yo k-ma-kunna pakkesa
maymami" unaloma panna vichayate

(While praying, at "mi", the tip of your tongue must touch your hard palate.)
"All That We Are Is The Result Of What We Have Thought.
The Mind Is Everything. What We Think We Become." - Buddha
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