Yant Kropetch by LP Parn
Year 2474
Yant Kropetch by LP Parn is very famous and Khata to do Yant Kropetch is from Itipiso Chant.
When read from left to right here is a chant;
" Itipiso Phakawa Arahan Samma Sambhuddho Wicha Jarana Sampanno Sukhato Lokawitoon Anuttaro
Puritsatdhamma Saradhi Sattha Devamanussanang Bhuddho Phakawadhi"
But when read from top to low like reading Chinese language here is a chant;
" Irachakatarasa Tihangjatorotinang"
When LP Pan say Khata Yant Kropetch then LP Pan will also writing Khata on blackboard then looksit who
would like to take that Yant Kropetch will need to light insense and pray "Bhudh" when breath in and " Dho"
when breath out. Yant will disappear from back board move inside our body within 7 days. we can see again
when that person die and fire then the remain bone will appear Yant Kropetch.
Where is "Yant Kropetch" comfrom...?
LP Pan told looksit that "Yant Kropetch" is from a flag of War. Thai called " Yodthong Mahapitchaisongkram"
which is a flag we carry when go for fight in a war. LP Pan said "Yant Kropetch" is not for Khongkraphan
but firmed on protect from accident, safe from spirit and black magic and safe from every poison.
And who have "Yant Kropetch" will also safe from people who try to step back them and LP Pan teach to do not
pay back to anyone who try to back them because everything they do it will return to them who try to step back
a Yant Kropetch's person.